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    Saturday, December 17, 2016

    Men dramatically overestimate the size of their penises

    It’s not the size of the ship but the motion
    of the ocean – but that doesn’t stop some
    men claiming their tugboat is more of a

    Illustrating that, someone has gone
    through studies and compared the
    difference between what men said about
    their own penises, and what researchers
    actually recorded.
    Lukas, a tech
    blogger, is a data
    enthusiast and
    decided to crunch the
    numbers on various
    penis studies.
    He found that across
    the world, men
    probably can’t be relied on when it came to
    estimating their own penis size.
    They were all biased to telling researchers
    their junk was bigger than it actually was,
    whether that was to try to impress the
    scientists or because they really believed
    Using a data compiling the results of penis
    size studies, he plotted the answers men
    gave compared to what the researchers
    actually found.
    Posting on Reddit’s Data Is Beautiful, he
    insisted he wasn’t obsessed with penises
    but was just a graph enthusiast (‘To
    repeat: I don’t care about your dicks. I only
    care about clicks plotting data.’ Sure.)
    The green shows what researchers
    recorded, while the orange shows what
    men claimed (flaccid on the left and erect
    on the right).
    According to the analysis, men were
    overestimating their penises by up almost
    an inch on average when erect.
    The graph has gone
    viral, featured in
    national papers and
    on the front page of
    the Data Is Beautiful
    forum he created it
    As Lukas is an
    amateur in the field of penis analysis and
    made the graph for fun, he admits ‘the
    data is not all equally robust’ as he took it
    from a website which compiled statistics
    including SurveyMonkey results as well as
    lab condition tests.
    But as a general trend, most people won’t
    be surprised to hear that many men give
    themselves a little extra.

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