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    Thursday, March 16, 2017

    Girl cries with happiness after dad returns from four-month trip to Antarctica

    A little girl was totally overcome with emotion after seeing her dad for the first time in four months.

    Alun Mactavish has been away on a research project in Antarctica since November, working on the Halley Research Base as an electrician.

    However, after returning early from the trip he decided to surprise his daughter Cherry at the gates of her school in

    Somewhere in the crowd of kids, Cherry can be heard saying ‘I see daddy’ – before
    beginning her charge towards him.

    Crying all the way, Cherry jumped into her
    dad’s arms and pulled him into a massive

    Her mum Haley caught the whole emotional reunion on camera.
    ‘Cherry and Alun have such a close bond,
    these last few months have been really hard
    on her,’ Haley said. ‘She broke down a
    number of times at school, she really is
    daddy’s girl. Her reaction was so emotional,
    there wasn’t a dry eye in the playground.

    Everybody was cheering for her. ‘I had to stop filming and get in on the cuddles, because I too couldn’t hold back the tears.’

    Alun, who reunited with his daughter on
    March 1, had been forced to miss Christmas
    with the family. Haley continued: ‘It means everything to have Alun back with us again. We’re a very close family who do everything together.

    ‘Before this we’d never spent more than two weeks apart in 13 years together. It felt
    amazing to cuddle up together as a five

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