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    Thursday, December 22, 2016

    7 things you need to stop saying to people who take mental health medication

    I’ve been taking medication for my mental
    health for a year now, after receiving a
    diagnosis of bipolar disorder .

    In this time, I’ve
    heard some rather
    crass comments
    about medication –
    and have been asked
    some really ridiculous
    I’ve also seen some
    incredibly unsympathetic social media
    updates, from people who obviously have
    never had to deal with mental illness.
    And so, with this article, I’d like to educate
    those who may not fully understand the
    seriousness of mental health, on what you
    definitely should not say to someone who
    has decided to help themselves by taking
    Below are some of the comments I’d really
    like to hear less of regarding mental health
    and medication.

    1. ‘Have you not taken your
    If I’m having a bad day – I’m having just
    that. It’s really important that people
    remember that while you have a mental
    illness, you are not your mental illness. I
    am allowed to get annoyed about certain
    things without it reflecting on my mental
    health. Not all actions can be blamed on
    mental illness – and therefore please
    refrain from asking this question if you’ve
    been snapped at for being rude,
    confrontational or lazy.

    2. ‘Have you tried going for a run,
    eating healthy, drinking more water
    or *insert other ‘helpful’ advice
    While the fresh air is nice, fruit tastes great
    and if you’re on Lithium, you definitely
    need to be drinking more water – it’s not a
    cure. Stop trying to give somebody who
    has been brave enough to say yes to
    medication an alternative just because you
    may not agree with it.

    3. ‘It’s because of all of that
    medication you’re taking’
    The medication is meant to be helpful, and
    while there can be some nasty side effects,
    when we’ve started the medication, we
    really need positive thoughts. If we’re
    feeling really down, it’s either because
    we’re feeling just that – or because
    perhaps our mental health is not great on
    that day. Try and understand that without
    blaming the pills we’re taking – especially
    because those pills can seem like a last
    resort for many.

    4. ‘You’re turning into a bit of a
    While this is probably meant to be funny,
    it’s just not. My medication helps balance
    my moods, keeps me from being too manic
    or too low and helps me sleep. Joking
    about being a drug-addict because I need
    these to live a stable life is just not funny.
    5. ‘You need to man-up, not take
    For some reason some people seem to
    have the idea that taking medication
    makes you weak or inferior , that by taking
    them you have given up on all other ways
    to cheer yourself up. But, as said above,
    medication can often be a last resort –
    therefore we’ve already tried other way to
    ‘man-up’, as you so unsympathetically put
    6. ‘Your partner must be really
    strong to be with you when you’re
    on all of that’
    This sounds too unbelievable to be true,
    but this is a statement I saw the other day
    while browsing through Twitter, and is also
    what prompted this article. Let’s just get
    this clear, just because you have a mental
    illness doesn’t mean you can’t have a
    relationship. And when you’re in a
    relationship with someone who has a
    mental illness, it doesn’t mean you’re put
    through hell, have to be incredibly strong
    or experience a lot of downfalls.
    A person with a mental illness just needs
    their partner to be supportive, that’s all. I
    would never, ever want my partner to feel
    as though he has to channel any of the
    emotions that come from my bipolar
    disorder. It’s an insult to assume that a
    person suffering with mental illness is any
    sort of burden on their partner because of
    something that is out of their control.
    7. ‘You don’t need that medication’
    That is not for you to decide. That is for a
    qualified psychiatrist to decide and
    prescribe. Instead of focusing on what we
    do or do not need to ensure our heads
    aren’t erratic, filled with horrible thoughts
    or as though we’re about to self-destruct,
    worry about yourself. A mental illness is
    still an illness.
    Sure, it’s invisible, but it’s still very
    relevant. Would you tell someone with a
    broken leg that they don’t need a cast?
    No, of course you wouldn’t. So don’t tell
    someone whose illness may be making
    them a danger to themselves that they
    don’t need an equal medication to help

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