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    Thursday, December 22, 2016

    White wine might be linked to skin cancer

    Over the years, we’ve learned to accept
    that wine probably isn’t entirely good for

    And now a link has been made between
    white wine and skin cancer.
    According to a new study published in
    the American Association for Cancer
    Research journal, those who drink alcohol
    every day are at a 14% greater risk of
    melanoma than those that don’t drink at
    And if you don’t live
    somewhere where
    regularly exposed to
    the sun, but drink at
    least 20 grams of
    alcohol per day,
    you’re at a 73%
    greater risk of
    developing skin cancer.
    The real tragedy here is for white wine
    lovers – researchers compared melanoma
    risk among those that drank certain
    alcohols most frequently, and regular white
    wine drinkers had a 13% greater risk than
    those who preferred red wine, liquor or
    According to the study’s authors,
    compared to other types of booze, wine
    often has high levels of
    alcohol’s carcinogenic byproduct, which is
    linked to a risk of developing certain
     But should we be taking it as gospel? Katie
    Edmunds, health information officer at
    Cancer Research UK, told Metro.co.uk that
    we should be wary of doing so.
    ‘This study should be viewed with caution,’
    she said.
    ‘Most of the results actually show that
    drinking alcohol had little to no effect on
    melanoma skin cancer risk.’
    But this doesn’t mean we should drink to
    our hearts’ content either – alcohol still
    increases cancer risk as a whole.
    ‘Alcohol increases the risk of seven types
    of cancer, including common types like
    breast and bowel cancer.
    ‘And all types of alcohol increase cancer
    risk – regardless of whether it’s in wine,
    beer or spirits, the more you cut down on
    the amount you drink, the lower your risk.’
    So when it comes to skin cancer, Katie
    says the best thing is to ‘enjoy the sun
    safely’: ‘Spend time in the shade, cover up with
    clothes, and use plenty of sunscreen with
    at least SPF15 and 4 stars to help protect
    the parts you can’t cover.’
    Cheers to that.

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