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    Tuesday, December 13, 2016

    8 ways to know your pastor eats your tithes and offerings

    Most pastors no longer see the church of
    God as a sacred place anymore, but they
    tend to take advantage of the innocent
    congregation as a means of survival.
    The porosity of the church is like the
    parable of Jesus Christ on the wheat and
    the tares. These churches are so many
    that it takes the grace of God to
    differentiate which is Godly or manly.
    Tithing and offerings in some churches
    has now become a means of extorting
    the congregation, here are 8 ways you
    will know that your pastor is after your
    money and not your soul.
    1. Threaten you to pay tithes and offerings
    Once your pastor threatens brimstone
    and fire against those that refuse to pay
    in his sermon or teachings, it is a sign
    for you to know that he is after your
    money and not the salvation of your
    God himself is love and there should not
    be fear in serving or giving. Giving is
    not by force.
    2. Imposes tithes and offerings on his
    Always remember that your service to
    God, either with your money should not
    be a mandate.
    The pureness of Abraham’s heart
    naturally led to his godly decision to
    honour the Lord with his possessions
    and with the first-fruits of the increase
    in his resources.
    3. When the book of Malachi becomes your
    pastor's favourite scripture
    If truly God loves us when we are yet
    sinners, then the primary duty of your
    pastor should be on your repentance
    and salvation.
    The church should be a clinic for
    believers and not a place of business for
    pastors. If you attend a church and all
    you hear often is pay your tithes and
    offering to the house of God, then it is
    time for you to move. God is interested
    in your heart not your money.
    4. When you give your offering grudgingly
    If you are giving to God then it has to be
    with a cheerful heart but once you
    grumble or murmur to give your
    offering or tithe, just know that it is for
    your pastor because you are giving
    under his influence.
    Decide for yourself between you and
    God. It is no business of your pastor.
    You give because you love God and not
    because you love your pastors.
    5. When he puts fears in the minds of his
    When all your pastor could read out to
    you in his sermon is the curses and
    storm that will befall all those who do
    not pay their tithes. This simply means
    that he is the one that want your money
    and not God.
    Instilling fear in the heart of the people
    to give could not even be traced to Jesus
    Christ teachings while on earth.
    6. Emphasize on giving to the pastor and
    his family
    Giving to the pastor and his family
    should not be a topic preached by
    pastors on the pulpit. If your pastor's
    sermon is basically on giving your
    offering towards his welfare and that of
    his family, it shows that he is only
    interested in eating your tithes and
    offering for his personal use.
    7. Complains about the denomination
    members give as offering
    Your pastor on no occasion should
    complain on what people give to church,
    not even as a joke. Either in his sermon
    or teachings should he make reference
    to the denominations members drop as
    offering or tithe.
    If you notice this behaviour in your
    pastor then it is time you leave because
    he is seeing the church as a place to
    maximize profit.
    8. Emphatically says your tithe and offering
    should be at your local church
    There is no reference in the Bible that
    says that tithes and offering should be
    paid to your pastors, so on no account
    should a pastor tell his congregation to
    always give their tithes and offering in
    their local church.
    Once you attend a God believing church,
    you are free to drop your tithes and
    offerings there.


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