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    Tuesday, December 13, 2016

    British man jailed for trying to grab cop’s gun to ‘shoot Donald Trump’

    A British man has been jailed for one year
    for trying to grab a police officer’s gun in
    an alleged bid to shoot Donald Trump.

    Michael Sanford, 20, was sentenced at a
    Las Vegas court following the incident at a
    rally in June.
    The autism sufferer
    was charged with
    being an illegal alien
    in possession of a
    firearm and
    disrupting an official
    He allegedly told
    officers after his arrest that his plan was
    to shoot the US President-elect.
    The defendant, of Dorking, Surrey, had
    been living in the United States for around
    18 months and was said to have been
    planning the attempt for a year, according
    to court documents.
    His mother, Lynee, had told reporters that
    she feared that the president-elect may
    use his position to ‘make an example’ of
    her son.
    Ms Sandford, whose daughter Jessica was
    clutching a tiger toy in court, addressed
    the judge before he delivered his sentence.
    ‘(Michael) means everything to me,’ she
    ‘He made a very bad mistake, a huge error
    of judgment. It breaks my heart to see him
    in this environment.
    ‘So many people back in England know
    this is not Michael. Everyone knows he’s a
    good person at heart.
    ‘He needs to get psychiatric help back at
    home. He’s very remorseful for what he
    Sandford’s lawyers say he will now serve
    around four months, having been detained
    since June, before he is deported back to
    the UK.
    Sandford , whose legs were shaking as he
    stood in the courtroom, was arrested at
    Treasure Island casino in Las Vegas where
    Mr Trump was addressing 1,500
    supporters on June 18.
    During a police interview, when asked why
    he attempted to grab the weapon,
    Sandford replied: ‘To shoot and kill Donald
    Trump,’ court records show.
    He had driven to Las Vegas from Californa
    on June 16, and went to a shooting range
    the next day, where he said he learnt how
    to use a gun for the first time.
    Sandford told investigators he expected to
    die in the attempt on June 18, according
    to court documents.

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