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    Thursday, December 22, 2016

    At least 32 confirmed dead following fireworks chain- reaction explosion

    At least 32 people have been killed after a
    fireworks market was flattened by a deadly
    chain-reaction explosion on the outskirts
    of Mexico City.

    Health Secretary Cesar Gomez Monge, of
    Mexico State, where the San Pablito
    market is located in the city of Tultepec,
    said 46 people remained in hospital, five of
    them in such serious condition they are
    fighting for their lives.

    Ten of the injured were minors, including
    one girl with burns over 90 per cent of her body.
    Juana Antolina Hernandez, who has run a
    stand for 22 years in San Pablito next to
    one operated by her parents, escaped the
    market in a mad dash when the explosions
    began on Tuesday afternoon.
    ‘I can’t find my father
    and my mother is
    very badly burned,’
    she said. ‘I am
    waiting here for them
    to tell me if my father
    is here, but up to this
    point, nothing.’
    San Pablito was
    bustling with hundreds of shoppers when
    the blast reduced the market to a stark
    expanse of ash, rubble and scorched
    metal, casting a pall over the Christmas
    Dramatic video of the explosion showed a
    towering plume of smoke that was lit up
    by a staccato of bangs and flashes of
    light, the third such incident to ravage the
    market on the northern outskirts of
    Mexico’s capital since 2005.
    Refugio Leon, who
    spent years working
    at the market and
    whose family ran
    seven stalls there,
    said vendors
    commonly stacked
    displays of bottle
    rockets and
    firecrackers outside
    their establishments in the passageways –
    even though the rules supposedly forbade
    putting merchandise in what was
    supposed to be a safety buffer to prevent
    chain-reaction explosions.

    Officials in Mexico State, which borders
    Mexico City, said it was too early to
    identify a cause of the massive series of
    On December 12 the
    city of Tultepec
    issued a statement
    calling San Pablito
    ‘the safest market in
    Latin America’.
    The city quoted Juan
    Ignacio Rodarte
    Cordero, director of the state’s Fireworks
    Institute, as saying ‘the stalls are perfectly
    designed and with sufficient space
    between them to avoid any chain of fires’.
    However, the president of the leftist
    Democratic Revolution Party, Alejandra
    Barrales, noted that fireworks accidents
    take place regularly, including four this
    year alone.
    ‘This demonstrates
    the lack of care and
    attention not just
    here but in the whole
    state,’ Mr Barrales
    said in a statement.
    Mexico State chief
    prosecutor Alejandro
    Gomez said some of
    the dead were so badly burned that neither
    their age nor their gender could be
    immediately determined, and that DNA
    tests would be needed.

     He said the toll could rise because 12
    people were listed as missing and some
    body parts were found at the scene.
    A list of the nine bodies identified so far
    included a three-month-old boy and a 12-
    year-old girl.

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