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    Thursday, December 22, 2016

    Germany arrests Moroccan suspected of IS ties

    German authorities
    have charged a 24-
    year-old Moroccan of
    being part of a
    network that planned
    Paris attacks last year.

    The man was
    allegedly responsible
    for looking after the
    group's safe houses in
    Greece and Turkey.
    Police arrested the
    suspected member of the
    "Islamic State" (IS) militia,
    Redouane S., in the
    northwest state of Lower
    Saxony on Tuesday.
    German prosecutors claim
    that the Moroccan was
    linked with Abdelhamid
    Abaaoud, the instigator of
    terror strikes that killed
    some 130 people in Paris in
    November 2015. The Belgian
    national was gunned down
    in the shootout with the
    Paris police days after the
    The group allegedly tasked
    Redouane S. to rent
    apartments in Turkey and
    Greece while the Paris
    attacks were planned.
    Members of the terror cell
    used the locations as
    hideouts "for the
    preparation of attacks."
    No Berlin link
    The officials also claim that
    the Moroccan knew about
    Abaaoud and other group
    members meeting in the
    Belgian town of Verviers to
    plan more attacks. The cell
    was dismantled in a deadly
    raid in January 2015.
    Redouane lived in Belgium
    at the time.
    "Even after his coming to
    Germany in May 2015 he
    was in contact with the
    group led by Abaaoud and
    showed readiness to take
    more orders," the
    prosecutors said in a
    The news of his arrest
    comes as German security
    forces pursue a nationwide
    manhunt for the
    perpetrators of the Berlin
    terror strike on Monday.
    However, the officials say
    that the 24-year-old is not
    linked with the latest deadly
    dj/rc (Reuters, dpa, AP, AFP)

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