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    Saturday, December 17, 2016

    UN: Gambia's Jammeh must step down by mid January

    to admit electoral
    defeat, the UN has
    told Gambian leader
    Yahya Jammeh to step
    down next month.

    ammeh lost the
    December 1 election
    to opposition leader
    Adama Barrow.
    Jammeh would be "strongly
    sanctioned" if he sought to
    remain in power after his
    mandate ends on January
    19, the United Nations
    envoy for West Africa said
    "For Mr. Jammeh, the end is
    here and under no
    circumstances can he
    continue to be president,"
    the world body's
    Mohammed Ibn Chambas
    He spoke a day
    after Jammeh's party, the
    Alliance for Patriotic
    Reconciliation and
    Construction (APRC) lodged
    a legal case to challenge the
    result of the December 1
    APRC called on the
    country's Supreme Court to
    annul the vote, even though
    the court is not operational
    at present because Jammeh
    fired two of its three judges
    earlier this year.
    New poll requested
    The petition demanded a
    new election take place with
    a revalidated voter registry.
    Jammeh initially
    acknowledged defeat after
    22 years in power, even
    calling the election fair and
    conceding to President-elect
    Adama Barrow in a
    telephone call broadcast on
    state television.
    But last week the 51-year-
    old announced he was
    rejecting the results.
    The country's Electoral
    Commission insists the vote
    was transparent, fair and
    accurate, clearly showing
    that Barrow had won.
    On Wednesday, an African
    Union (AU) delegation met
    with Jammeh, hoping to
    persuade him to step down.
    Dozens of professional
    bodies, unions, and civil
    society organizations have
    also added their voice to the
    calls for Jammeh to respect
    the result.
    Tensions rise
    For the past two days,
    security forces have blocked
    the entrance to the Electoral
    Commission in Banjul,
    ignoring calls from UN
    Secretary-General Ban Ki-
    moon to "immediately
    vacate" the premises.
    Ban called the takeover of
    the building an "outrageous
    act of disrespect of the will
    of the Gambian people."
    Jammeh's chief of
    the defense staff has vowed
    to remain loyal to the
    country's longtime leader,
    indicating that Gambia's
    military would help the
    autocrat stay in power.
    Soldiers remained in the
    streets of the capital, Banjul,
    on Wednesday as residents
    worried about possible
    unrest, a stark contrast to
    days of celebration in the
    streets after Jammeh's loss.
    Many shops remained
    closed, while residents
    stayed indoors and children
    did not attend school due to
    the heavy military presence.

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