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    Saturday, December 17, 2016

    Syria, South Sudan weigh on Ban Ki- moon at end of UN term

    The UN's top diplomat
    says his term at the
    UN has seen violence
    and conflicts around
    the world continue
    unabated, but that
    many lives have also
    changed for the

    His 10 years in
    office end on January
    There have been more
    moments of regret than
    pride in accomplishments in
    10 years at the United
    Nations, Secretary-General
    Ban Ki-moon said Friday as
    he prepares to leave office
    at the end of the year.
    The carnage in Syria, the
    risk of genocide in South
    Sudan and maintaining
    momentum on the Paris
    climate change accord all
    weighed on his mind, the
    world's top diplomat said at
    his last press conference at
    UN headquarters in New
    Syria has left a "gaping hole
    in the global conscience"
    and "Aleppo is now a
    synonym for hell," Ban said,
    while the deteriorating
    situation in South Sudan
    now threatened to turn into
    genocide. There is no
    turning back on the Paris
    climate change agreement
    and it must be supported in
    order to save humanity and
    the environment, Ban said,
    likely referring to US
    president-elect Donald
    Trump's position against
    acting on climate change.
    'Fires still burning'
    From violence in Mali to
    Yemen and the Central
    African Republic, the "fires
    are still burning" in
    conflicts that seemingly
    know no end due to narrow
    political and personal
    interests and a lack of
    global solidarity, Ban told
    "This has been a decade of
    unceasing test," Ban said,
    reflecting on his 10 years at
    the UN. "But I have also
    seen collective action
    change millions of lives for
    the better."
    "Difficult as it may
    sometimes be, international
    cooperation remains the
    path to a more peaceful and
    prosperous world," Ban
    South Korean politics
    Ban also addressed
    speculation he plans to run
    for president in South
    Korea, where President
    Park Geun-hye was
    impeached in a massive
    corruption scandal that has
    shaken the nation.
    "I'll go back to Korea, then
    I'll try to meet as many
    people as possible, which
    may include political
    leaders, leaders of civil
    society and my friends, and
    I will really consider
    seriously how best and
    what I should and could do
    for my country," Ban said.

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